Nouns & Articles: What Do You Already Know?
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Read the following paragraph. Do you notice any problems?
Story of Coca-Cola
Popular beverage that is sold all over world is Coca-Cola. Doctor who lived in Atlanta, Georgia, invented it in 1886. Dr. John Pemberton, who was pharmacist, first sold Coca-Cola as nerve tonic, stimulant, and headache medicine. Name of dark brown syrup that made people feel better was "Pemberton's French Wine Coca." Later someone added soda water to syrup and it became beverage that is our modern Coca-Cola. First part of name (coca) comes from cocaine, which was one of original ingredients. Second part of name (cola) comes from kola nut, which is still ingredient. Original formula has changed over years. Of course Coca-Cola no longer contains cocaine, which is illegal drug, but it still tastes delicious. Formula for Coca-Cola is secret that is carefully guarded.
Adapted from First Steps in Academic Writing, Level 2 by Anne Hogue, 2008.
What is wrong with this paragraph?